Seeing a Fertility Specialist for the first time can be confronting. Our team will endeavour to make this experience as smooth as possible for you.
When you initially call Monash IVF
you will contact my PA, Emily-Rose.
Emily-Rose will help you schedule an appointment and email you an initial registration form to fill in so we can collect your basic information. I will ask you if you have had any investigations done by your GP or other healthcare provider.
You don’t have to have any investigations done before coming to see me. However, it does help to speed up to process if the required tests have been completed.
Your GP might like to use the link to [Referring Practitioners] to double-check that they have ordered all of the required blood tests.
Please bring along the following:
If you are seeking a second opinion, please bring any prior treatment information you have available.
Your first visit provides an opportunity for you to meet with Dr Giselle Crawford and for her to understand your health needs.
Dr Crawford will
If you have copies of prior tests, these can be reviewed. In consultation with you, Dr Crawford will help formulate a management plan specific to your circumstances.
Dr Giselle Crawford takes a holistic approach to healthcare, collaborating closely with other care providers.
Monash IVF
Level 10, 207 Kent Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Mon-Fri: 9 AM - 5 PM